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Council Meeting - October 17, 2023


District 1: Lynda Love (LL) - Absent

District 2: Eileen George (EG)

District 3: Pascal Jouvence (PJ)

District 4: Craig Hayes (CH)

District 5: Steven Carter (SC)

At Large:  Shawn Fennel (SF) 

At Large:  Steve Fann (FA) 

Duration: 47 Minutes

Item 1. Ordinance rezoning 109 acres from R-40 Low Density Residentail District to R-8 PRD Medium Density Residential District with a PMDP for Avery Trace, located on East Main Street. 

          Yes: 5 - EG / CH / SC / SF / FA  

          No:  1 - PJ


Item 3. Ordinance for Sunset Farm, a high density Residential area.

          Yes: 5 - EG / CH / SC / SF / FA  

          No:  0 

          Abstain: 1 - PJ


Item 4. Resolution authorizing the owner to apply for annexation of five parcels totaling 86.82 acres on Big Station Camp.

          Postponed to a later date


Item 5. Resolution to establish the Parks and recreation Advising Director Position.

          Postponed to 12/05/2023



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