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Council Meeting - September 19, 2023


District 1: Lynda Love (LL) 

District 2: Eileen George (EG)

District 3: Pascal Jouvence (PJ)

District 4: Craig Hayes (CH)

District 5: Steven Carter (SC)

At Large:  Shawn Fennel (SF) 

At Large:  Steve Fann (FA) 

Duration: 1 Hour 31 Minutes

Item 3. Ordinance amending the City Charter to add the power to levy impact fees on new developments.       

          Yes: 6 - LL / PJ / CH / SC / SF / FA  

          No:  1 - EG


Item 5. Ordinance rezoning of 109.99 +/- acres parcel, located east of East Main Street and south of Timberland Road from the R-40 Low Density Residential to R-8 PRD Medium Density Planned Residential for Avery Trace.

          Yes: 5 - EG / CH / SC / SF / FA  

          No:  2 - LL / PJ


Item 6. Ordinance amending Gallatin Municipal Code Chapter 16, Article II and Article VI related to parking.

          Yes: 7 - LL / EG / PJ / CH / SC / SF / FA  

          No:  0 


Item 10. Resolution to revise employee pay plans and updated job descriptions with the Police Department.

          Yes: 7 - LL / EG / PJ / CH / SC / SF / FA  

          No:  0 

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