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Council Meeting - March 07, 2023


District 1: Lynda Love (LL)

District 2: Eileen George (EG)

District 3: Pascal Jouvence (PJ)

District 4: Craig Hayes (CH)

District 5: Steven Carter (SC)

At Large:  Shawn Fennel (SF)

At Large:  Steve Fann (FA) 

Duration: 2 hour 07 Minutes

Item 3. Ordinance rezoning 23.28 +/- acres from R-15 Medium Density Residential District to MRO and 2.00 +/- acres from R-10 Medium Density Residential District to MRO with a Preliminary Master Development Plan for Laurelwood Park located south of Drivers Lane and east of Lorraine Drive 

Yes: 6 - EG / SC / FA

No:  1 - LL / CH / PJ 

Abstain: 1 - SF

Tie Breaker: Yes - Mayor Paige Brown


Item 11. Resolution appointing Ronald "Cole" Sheperd to the Historic District Commission

Yes: 6 - LL / EG / CH / SC / SF / FA 

No:  1 - PJ




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